Your Billsby account

Edit profile

To keep your profile details up to date, navigate to your name at the bottom left of the screen, selecting 'Edit profile'. Here you can edit your name, email, and phone number. On this modal, you are also able to sign up to the Billsby newsletter.

If you've signed up for our newsletter, we'll contact you about our new features and updates. If you wish to unsubscribe, simply un-select the 'I want to be notified about new features and updates to Billsby' option and save the changes.


Changing your password

To change your current password, navigate to your name at the bottom left of the screen and select 'Change password'.
Here you'll be able to change the password for your Billsby account. It’s a good idea to change your password regularly and use a unique one for Billsby.


If you can't remember your current password, you can always click the 'I've forgotten my password' link from our login screen and you will be prompted to enter the email address associated with your account. Then you will be sent an email to reset your account password.

For extra account security, consider adding Two-factor authentication authentication (2FA).


To access your Billing menu, navigate to your company name at the bottom left of the screen and select 'Billing'.

Here you can see your next billing date, update the payment details we have on file for your company, or view and download all of your company's past invoices.


If you need to update the billing address for your company, you can do so in the Company Details menu.


What if I've forgotten my password?

To reset your password, you can click the 'I've forgotten my password' link on the login screen and you will be prompted to enter the email address associated with your account, and sent a reset email.

What if I've forgotten my email address?

If you can't remember the email address your account is registered to, please get in touch with our support team who can help you track it down by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, or emailing us at

How do I subscribe/unsubscribe from your newsletter?

If you wish to subscribe/ unsubscribe to our newsletter, simply un-select the 'I want to be notified about new features and updates to Billsby' option in your user profile by navigating to your name at the bottom left of the screen, selecting 'Edit profile' and saving the changes.

You can also click the 'Unsubscribe from our emails' link at the bottom of any of our emails to unsubscribe from our notifications.

How do I update my company payment details?

Navigate to your Billing menu by finding your company name at the bottom left of the screen and selecting 'Billing'. Then click 'Update payment details'.

How do I view my company's past invoices?

Navigate to your Billing menu by finding your company name at the bottom left of the screen and selecting 'Billing'. Then click 'View billing history'.

How do I update my company billing address?

You can update your billing address by navigating to the Company Details menu,