Exit Reasons
When end users cancel their subscription, you have the ability to gain insight and analysis about why, by using our exit reasons report. The report's bar chart displays the percentage of users who have left, alongside their reasons for doing so. Customer's reasons for leaving are self-reported during the process of cancelling their account - if you haven't done so already, you can set up how we collect exit reasons from your customers in the cancellation and retention section of Configuration in the Billsby portal.
Below the chart is a section which displays the data from the exit survey, including each user's verbatim comments, the date of their cancellation, alongside the plan they were on.
To download this table, click the 'CSV' button in the top right corner of the table.
The filter bar function at the top of the report allows you to limit the reports to one product, to show all of your products, or to pick a date range for the report, enabling easier access to select information.
When selecting a date range for the report, you can choose up to three months, but if you decide on a longer range, then you will find the report takes a little longer to process. This is perfectly normal.
Updated about 4 years ago