What is MRR?
MRR means Monthly Recurring Revenue. This is the total expected revenue of your renewals this month. It excludes overage, one-time charges and subscriptions with a paused or cancelled status. We’ll update your this value to take into account customer signups and cancellations throughout the month.
What does the Subscriptions figure on the dashboard represent?
This figure shows the total number of subscriptions in your account. This includes subscriptions in all states, except cancelled subscriptions.
What is Net revenue MTD?
Your net revenue Month To Date is the total value of invoices that have been generated in the month including unpaid invoices. This amount excludes refunds and credit notes.
What is Net payments MTD?
The net payments Month To Date is the total amount of invoices that have been paid by your customers so far this month, after taking into account any refunds. This includes invoices you have indicated to us have been paid offline. This amount doesn't account for credit notes other than refunded invoices.
What does the Unpaid invoices figure on the dashboard represent?
This is the sum total of all unpaid invoices currently in your account that are in any kind of failed payment or dunning process. It does not include invoices in a pending or written-off state.
What does the Expired cards figure on the dashboard represent?
This is simply the number of customers with at least one active subscription that have an expired card.
Updated over 3 years ago