Email notifications
How do I customize which emails are sent out to my customers at various stages during the billing journey?
Head to Settings > Configuration > Email notifications. Here, you can choose which emails are sent to customers at various stages as well as customize the content of the emails.
How do I customize the template of my emails?
To customize the template which your email notifications are based on, head to Settings > Configuration > Email notifications, and then click the 'Template' tab. Here, you can edit your footer text and add an advert if you wish. The same logo and colors will be used that you have set up in your brand customization settings. If you want to change these, you can click through to the customization page and update them there.
How do I change the email address which replies from customers are sent to?
In Settings > Configuration > Email settings > Routing, you can update the email address that email replies from customers are routed to.
What email will the notifications be sent from?
The email used to send the notifications will be: billing@[YOUR_COMPANY_SUBDOMAIN]
You can find your company subdomain in your account by navigating to Settings > Configuration > Company details.
Can I send my own emails from my own domain?
You can use Zapier and webhooks as triggers to send your own emails. You can find more information on Zapier here, along with our webhooks documentation.
Updated almost 2 years ago