How do I update a customer's personal details?

To edit the customer's details on their individual customer page, simply select the 'Edit customer' button in the top right menu. Here, you can begin replacing any out of date information you have for the customer. Remember to click 'Save changes' before you finish.

How do I delete a customer?

To delete a customer from your system select the 'Delete customer' button from the individual customer page. To confirm this action you need to enter the customer's ID. You will then be able to hit 'Delete customer' to permanently delete the customer.
A customer's subscription must be cancelled before their customer profile can be deleted.

What's the difference between deleting a customer and clearing their personal data?

Deleting a customer removes all data associated with the customer, while clearing their personal data retains invoices and won't impact your reports and statistics.

Can I charge a customer a one-time amount?

To place a one-time charge on a customer's account select the 'Capture one time charge' button in the top right menu of the individual customer page. Simply enter the amount you want to charge the customer, the currency you want to do it in, followed by a description. The description you input will be shown on the invoice that is sent to the customer. You should aim to write something that will help the customer easily identify what the charge is for.

Can I add credit to a customer's account?

Yes, you can do this by charging a negative amount in the one-time charge modal. Simply include the minus sign before the amount and this will be added straight away. Some payment gateways only process refunds and do not support credit notes. To make sure your negative one time charge is processed successfully, you’ll need to check your gateway and underlying merchant account support this.

How do I view an individual customer's email logs?

The Emails tab on the individual customer page displays information regarding the emails you have sent to the customer. You can see whether the email was successfully delivered or if it failed, alongside the name of the email and the date it was sent. Simply select an email to view it.

How do I view an individual customer's invoices?

The Invoices tab on the individual customer page displays a list of all the invoices the customer has received. You can view an invoice by clicking the 'View' button to the right of it.

How do I view an individual customer's credit notes?

The Credit Notes tab on the individual customer page displays a list of all the credit notes the customer has received. You can view a credit note by clicking the 'View' button to the right of it.

How do I export all of my customer data?
You can export all of your customer data by navigating to the Customers menu and clicking the 'Export' button.

When you initiate an export, we’ll generate it in the background in a .CSV format so you can keep using the Billsby Control Panel. Once complete, we’ll email you a link to download the file.Your data will be emailed to the email address your Billsby account is registered to.