Manually add tax rates

Australian tax rates can be manually configured. The Australian Goods and Service Tax (GST) is levied on physical and digital goods that are traded for consumption within Australia. If your business has a commercial presence in Australia, and your gross income is over AUD $75,000 without tax, you are recommended to register your business for GST.

In addition to this, if your company is a registered business outside of Australia and you sell digital products/services and/or low value physical goods to Australian consumers, then you should collect and remit GST. GST is set at a flat rate of 10% and is required to be included in the invoice of your product.


When you're adding the tax manually, you'll need to determine the tax name - which is how it would appear to your customers - as well as the tax rate. You are able to add as many taxes as you require.

For your customer's invoices, you will need to add your tax registration number. You can also edit how we label this on your invoices. You are also able to add the validation for ABN or location, as explained above.