Individual Customers
Customer details
To access an individual customer's page simply click the customer whose page you want to view.
Here, you can access all of the information we have for that customer on file, including their name, email and billing addresses. Any additional fields you chose to include whilst setting up your product will also be shown here, alongside our standard fields and any other custom fields you have created.
The bar at the top of the page displays how long they've been a customer for and what value they have to your business, calculated on both a lifetime scale and a monthly average.

Lifetime value
The lifetime value displays how much money a customer has spent on your subscription(s) for the entire duration of their customership.
Average value
The average value of the customer is calculated by dividing their lifetime value by the number of months they've been a customer, providing a monthly average valuation.
The Subscriptions tab displays a list of all of the subscriptions a customer holds. If they have multiple subscriptions for one product then each subscription will be shown separately.

Alongside the product and plan information, you'll be able to view the customer's status. On the Customers page, customers are displayed as either Active or Inactive which indicates one of the four states we have designated for plans:
- Active
- In trial (Active)
- Paused (Active).
- Cancelled (Inactive)
Newly created customers who do not yet have a subscription will also display as 'Active.'
Here, you'll be able to see exactly what status their account holds. Alongside this, you will be able to view the revenue generated per cycle, the next billing date, and the date the subscription was activated.
To access more information about the status and total of the subscription(s), click the 'View' button to the right and this will take you to the individual subscriptions page.
The Invoices tab displays a list of all the invoices a customer has received. If a customer has multiple subscriptions, we collate each subscription into one invoice to avoid sending multiple.
To display invoices with more than one transaction, select the 'View' button to access each individual transaction.

Credit Notes
The Credit Notes tab displays a list of any refunds or credit notes associated with the customer.
To send or download a credit note, select the 'View' button next to it. This will allow you to either send the selected credit note to the customer, or download it as a PDF.
Card on file
The Card tab displays the card that you have on file for the selected customer.
To replace the card you can either manually input the customer's new payment details, or send them an email request to update their payment details themselves.

Email logs
The Emails tab displays information regarding the emails you have sent to the customer. You can see whether the email was successfully delivered or if it failed, alongside the name of the email and the date it was sent.
The Emails tab displays the same information and functionality that you would find in the Email Logs section, which you can access by navigating to the Billsby Control Panel and selecting Logs > Emails.

To view what was sent in the email, click on the 'View' button to open a modal displaying the email exactly as it was sent.

The content of these emails is only available to view for 3 days.
Edit a customer
To edit the customer's details on their individual customer page, simply select the 'Edit customer' button in the top right menu.

Here, you can begin replacing any out of date information you have for the customer. Remember to click 'Save changes' before you finish.
Replace payment method
To update your customer's payment details, select the 'Replace payment method' button in the top right menu. This will open up a modal with two options for you to choose from.

You can choose to update the customer's new payment details manually, or send them an email request to update their payment details themselves.
One time charge
To place a one time charge on a customer's account select the 'Capture one time charge' button in the top right menu.
Simply enter the amount you want to charge the customer, the currency you want to do it in, followed by a description.
The description you input will be shown on the invoice that is sent to the customer. You should aim to write something that will help the customer easily identify what the charge is for.

By charging a negative amount you can actually add credit to the customer's account. To do this, simply include the minus sign before the amount and this will be added straight away.
Some payment gateways only process refunds and do not support general account credits. To make sure your negative one time charge is processed successfully, you’ll need to check your gateway and underlying merchant account support this.
Out of our supported payment gateways, the following currently support negative one time charges:
- Adyen
- PaymentCloud
Unlike subscription payments, one time charges do not go through dunning and we will not try to re-attempt the transaction again automatically. If a one time charge payment fails, you will have to manually re-attempt the transaction. This can be done by heading to the one time charge's invoice and clicking the 'Re-attempt' button.
Clear customer personal data (GDPR)
In line with European Union General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) you are able to permanently delete any customer's personal data.
To do this, select the button labelled 'Clear personal data GDPR'. This will open a modal which displays all of the personal information of the customer that you are requesting to erase.
A customer's subscription must be cancelled before their customer profile can be GDPR cleared.
To permanently erase all of this information, you need to confirm the customer's ID. Once you have completed this, their information will be permanently and irreversibly deleted.

Please note that this will not clear or alter a customer's invoice/ credit note data.
Delete a customer
To permanently delete a customer from your account select the 'Delete customer' button. This will open a modal which displays all of the personal information of the customer that you are requesting to erase.
To confirm this action you need to confirm the customer's ID. Once you have completed this, their information will be permanently and irreversibly deleted.
A customer's subscription must be cancelled before their customer profile can be deleted. If the customer has any unpaid invoices, these must also be written off before the customer can be deleted. To write off an unpaid invoice, locate the invoice in your account and select the 'Update status' button. This will open a modal where you can select to write off the invoice.
To add notes to your customer, navigate to the 'Notes' tab and click the "Add new note" button
You will be able to add a subject line to your note, as well as regular content.
you also have the option to search notes by content or subject line, do this, simply type a word included in either the subject line or content into the search bar
Updated over 2 years ago