
How do I change a customer's subscription?

Locate the subscription you'd like to change from the Subscriptions table and click to view the subscription details. On this page, in the top right panel will be an 'Edit subscription' button. Hit this button and you will be able select a different plan for the customer. You can also choose whether the plan is changed immediately or at the end of the cycle so that the customer doesn't miss out on any of their paid usage to their current plan.

How do I cancel a subscription?

Locate the subscription you'd like to cancel from the Subscriptions table and click to view the subscription details. On this page, in the top right panel will be a 'Cancel subscription' button. Hit this button and you will be able to cancel the subscription. In order to confirm the cancellation, you must enter the customer ID which can be found on the customer page. You can also choose whether you want to issue a pro-rated refund or not.

Why can't I cancel a subscription?

A customer's subscription cannot be cancelled whilst they have any 'pending' invoices. This includes invoices with the following statuses:

  • Pending
  • To be written off
  • Unpaid

Any invoices with the listed statuses must be written off before the subscription can be cancelled.

How do I pause a subscription?

Currently, the only way to pause a customer's subscription is by changing their next bill date, by accessing their individual subscriptions page. To do this, navigate to the menu on the left-hand side and click 'Subscriptions' to access the Subscriptions Page.

Next, select the customer whose subscription you wish to pause and this will take you to their individual subscriptions page. Here, you will find a box on the right-hand side that contains the option to 'Change bill date'. For more information this, refer to the individual subscriptions documentation.

Here you will be able to change the date you would like the subscription to resume billing on - effectively pausing the subscription until the new bill date.

To have the subscription status display as 'Paused' simply select the 'Paused' status from the 'Status until new bill' drop-down.

Will the subscription status change back from 'Paused' to 'Active' automatically?

Yes, If you select the 'Paused' subscription status when changing a bill date, the subscription will display as 'paused' until the new bill date.
Then the status is automatically changed back to 'Active' when the subscription is next billed.

How do I change a subscription's status from 'Suspended' to 'Active'?
You can update a subscription's status by navigating to the individual subscription and clicking the 'update status' button.

Can I resume a paused subscription before the next bill date?

Yes, to do this, simply change the 'next bill date' to the date you would like the subscription to be resumed on, and set the 'Status until new bill' accordingly

How do I add an add-on to a subscription?

Locate the subscription you'd like to add an add-on to from the Subscriptions table and click to view the subscription details. On this page, in the top right panel will be a 'Add an add-on' button. Hit this button and you will be able to select the add-on you wish to add. The customer will be charged a pro-rated amount for the remainder of their current cycle.

How do I add an allowance to a subscription?

Locate the subscription you'd like to add an allowance to from the Subscriptions table and click to view the subscription details. On this page, in the top right panel will be an 'Add allowance' button. Hit this button and you will be able to select the allowance you wish to add.

How do I add a discount to a subscription?

Locate the subscription you'd like to add a discount to from the Subscriptions table and click to view the subscription details. On this page, in the top right panel will be a 'Add a discount' button. Hit this button and you will be able to select the discount you wish to add. You can choose whether you want the discount to be applied for the lifetime of the customer's subscription or for a fixed term.

How do I filter my subscriptions by status?

Head to your Subscriptions table and simply hit the status header or filter icon to select a status to filter by i.e active, cancelled, etc.

What does the Suspended status mean?

If a customer's subscription is suspended, this means that they can't currently use it but it can be activated again if they successfully reattempt the payment of their unpaid invoice.

How do I export all of my subscription data?
You can export all of your subscription data by navigating to the Subscriptions menu and clicking the 'Export' button.

When you initiate an export, we’ll generate it in the background in a .CSV format so you can keep using the Billsby Control Panel. Once complete, we’ll email you a link to download the file.Your data will be emailed to the email address your Billsby account is registered to.