List customers

This query gets a list of all of the customers in your account with their customer IDs so that you can later lookup individual customers. It doesn't return subscription information as this sits in the subscription elements, but it does retrieve the customer IDs, which you can then use to get subscription information in separate calls.

You can filter the results from this API by name (full or partial) but this is not a required field.

Customers are returned in pages. The first part of the results describes which page you're on, the total number of pages, the size of the page and how many rows are in the page. Then, each result is provided within the array.

Returned variables

Variable nameDescription
customerIdThe unique identifier of the customer in the Billsby platform
firstNameThe customer's first name
lastNameThe customer's last name
emailThe customer's registered email address
createdOnThe date on which the customer account was created
statusThe status of the customer; active or inactive
phoneNumberThe customers phone number
phoneNumberDialCodeThe dial code of the customers phone number
phoneNumberCodeCountryThe country of the dial code of the customers phone number
billingAddressThe customers billing address
addressLine1The first line of the customers address
addressLine2The second line of the customers address
cityThe city of the customers address
countryThe country of the customers address
stateThe state of the customers address
postCodeThe post code of the customers address
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