Create a cycle for a specific plan
This query allows you to create a cycle for a plan, without using the Billsby application.
Returned variables
Variable name | Description |
cycleId | Unique identifier on the Billsby platform for the cycle |
planId | The unique identifier of the plan in the Billsby platform |
pricingModel | The pricing model of the cycle |
frequency | The frequency of the billing cycle |
frequencyType | The frequency type; days, months, years, etc.; Daily = 1, Weekly = 2, Monthly = 3, Yearly = 4 |
freeTrial | Does the plan have a free trial |
freeTrialFrequencyType | The length of the free trial; Daily = 1, Weekly = 2, Monthly = 3, Yearly = 4 |
contractTerm | |
contractTermFrequencyType | |
setupFeePrice | The price of the set up fee for the plan |
freeQuantity | Quantity of free units |
billingDateType | The type of billing date for the plan; on the anniversary of the customer signing up or on a fixed day. Anniversary = 1, FixedDayEachMonth = 2, FixedDayOfTheWeek = 3 |
fixedBillingDateDay | The fixed billing date if there is one |
proRateOption | The chose option for pro-rating; DoNotProRate = 1, DoNotChargeUntilNextCycle = 2, ProRateBasedOnDaysRemaining = 3 |