List subscriptions

This query gets a list of all of the subscriptions in your account with their subscription IDs so that you can later lookup individual subscriptions

This query gets a list of all of the subscriptions in your account with their subscription IDs so that you can later look up individual subscriptions. It returns customer information, as well as the Plan and Product IDs.

Of the query parameters only page and pageSize are mandatory but the others will help you to narrow down and organise your results. You can order your results (e.g. CreatedOn to sort by date of creation) or only show subscriptions on a certain product or with a specified status by using the rest of the query parameters.

Subscriptions are returned in pages. The first part of the results describes which page you're on, the total number of pages, the size of the page and how many rows are in the page. Then, each result is provided within the array.

Returned variables

Variable nameDescription
subscriptionIdThe unique numerical identifier of the subscription.
subscriptionUniqueIdThe unique alphanumerical identifier of the subscription.
customerIdThe unique numerical identifier of the customer.
customerUniqueIdThe unique alphanumerical identifier of the customer.
customerEmailThe customers registered email address
customerFullnameThe customers full name
planIdThe unique identifier of the plan in Billsby
planNameThe name of the plan
productIdThe unique identifier of the product in Billsby
productNameThe name of the product
createdOnThe date the subscription was created on
statusThe status of the subscription. This could be:

isInFreeTrialThe flag that indicates whether the subscription is in free trial.
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