Create a plan

Create a new plan for a specific product

This query allows you to create a plan without using the Billsby application. You will need to add the plan to an existing product, which can be created via the query above, or through the Billsby application.

Returned variables

Variable nameDescription
planIdThe unique identifier of the plan in the Billsby platform
nameThe name of the plan
displayNameThe display name of the plan
descriptionThe description of the plan
pricingModelTypeThe type of plan; flat fee, volume, tiered, etc.; FlatFee = 1, PerUnit = 2, Tiered = 4, Volume = 5, Ranged = 6
productIdThe unique identifier of the product that the plan sits under
cycleIdThe unique identifier of the plan in the Billsby platform
pricingModelIdThe unique identifier of the pricing model in the Billsby platform
frequencyThe frequency of the billing cycle
frequencyTypeThe frequency type; days, months, years, etc.; Daily = 1, Weekly = 2, Monthly = 3, Yearly = 4
freeTrialDoes the plan have a free trial
freeTrialFrequencyTypeThe length of the free trial; Daily = 1, Weekly = 2, Monthly = 3, Yearly = 4
contractTermDoes the plan have a contract term
contractTermFrequencyTypeContract term frequency;
setupFeePriceThe price of the set up fee for the plan
freeQuantityQuantity of free units
billingDateTypeThe type of billing date for the plan; on the anniversary of the customer signing up or on a fixed day. Anniversary = 1, FixedDayEachMonth = 2, FixedDayOfTheWeek = 3
fixedBillingDateDayThe fixed billing date if there is one
proRateOptionThe chose option for pro-rating; DoNotProRate = 1, DoNotChargeUntilNextCycle = 2, ProRateBasedOnDaysRemaining = 3
visibilityThe visibility of the plan; public or hidden
featureTagsAny feature tags associated with the plan
redirectUrlThe redirect URL that has been set up for this plan
hasActiveSubscriptionDoes the plan have any active subscribers; true or false
alertEmailThe alert email that has been set for this plan
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