This query gets individual subscription details using the unique identifier provided in the Billsby platform
This query gets a list of all the details for individual subscriptions in your account, including the details about the customer, the plan and the product.
For a list of all subscriptions associated with your company account, use the Get Subscriptions API.
Returned variables
Variable name | Description | Description |
companyCurrency | string | The company's currency |
contractMinimumTermEnd | datetime | The date when the minimum contract ends. Date is in UTC. |
createdOn | datetime | The date the subscription is created. The date is in UTC. |
currency | string | The subscription's currency |
customerEmail | string | The customer's registered email address |
customerFullname | string | The customer's full name |
customerId | integer | The unique numerical identifier of the customer in Billsby |
customerUniqueId | string | The unique alphanumeric identifier of the customer in Billsby |
cycleId | integer | The subscription's current cycle's identifier |
cycleIdNext | integer | The cycle identifier that will be the new subscription's cycle after the next billing date. |
isBillingAddressValidationRequired | boolean | Flag that indicates whether the billing address validation is required |
isShippingAddressRequired | boolean | Flag for whether shipping address is required |
isShippingAddressValidationRequired | boolean | Flag for whether shipping address validation is required |
nextBillingAmount | integer | The amount for the next billing. Amount is multiplied by 100. ($30.10 is 3010) |
nextBillingAmountFormatted | string | The formatted amount of nextBillingAmount |
nextBillingDate | datetime | The date of the next billing |
nextCycleRecurringBillingAmount | string | The recurring amount for the next cycle |
nextPlanPricingModel | planPricingModel (see PlanPricingModel below) | The pricing model for the next plan that will be implemented when the next billing comes. This will have a value if the plan is changed for the subscription. |
planId | integer | The unique identifier of the plan in Billsby |
planName | string | The name of the plan associated with the subscription |
planPricingModel | planPricingModel (see PlanPricingModel below) | The currently implemented pricing model for the subscription. |
productId | integer | The unique identifier of the product in Billsby |
productName | string | The name of the product associated with the subscription |
productVisibility | enum | The product visibility Public Hidden Internal OffSale |
status | enum | The status of the subscription Cancelled Active Paused Suspended InTrial |
subscriptionId | integer | The unique numerical identifier of the subscription |
subscriptionUniqueId | string | The unique alphanumeric identifier of the subscription. |
totalRevenue | integer | Total revenue received from the subscription. Amount is multiplied by 100. ($30.10 is 3010) |
totalRevenueFormatted | string | Formatted totalRevenue based on currency (e.g: $10) |
units | integer | Number of units of the plan selected |
unitsNext | integer | The unit configured that will activate after the next billing. |
visibility | enum | The plan's visibility Public Hidden |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
billingDateType | enum | The billing date type. This value represents when will the billing be each cycle. Anniversary - same day as the signup date every cycle. (e.g: A user who signed up on August 4 with a monthly cycle will have their next billing on Sept 4) FixedDayEachMonth - Fixed date every month (e.g: Plan has a fixed billing every Sept 4. User signed up on August 28. The next billing is Sept 4) FixedDayOfEachWeek - Similar to FixedDateEachMonth but only enabled when frequencyType is Monthly FixedDayEachYear - may be selected when frequencyType is set to Yearly. Billing will be the same day every year. |
contractTerm | integer | This is the minimum length of time a customer must hold your plan before they can cancel it. The represents the number of days, weeks, months or years depending on the contractTermFrequencyType. |
contractTermFrequencyType | enum | In combination with contractTerm, this indicates how long the minimum term is. Values may be Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly |
fixedBillingDateDay | integer | The day of the cycle when the billing will happen. |
fixedBillingDateMonth | integer | The month when the billing will happen. This is filled up only when the cycle is set to Yearly. |
freeQuantity | integer | Unit-based plans may included free units with the plan. |
freeTrial | integer | Represents the number of days, weeks, months or years. Works with freeTrialFrequencyType |
freeTrialFrequencyType | enum | The frequency type for the free trial Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly |
frequency | integer | The plan's frequency. Represents the number of days, weeks, months or years. Works with frequencyType. |
frequencyType | enum | The plan's frequency type. Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly |
pricingModelId | integer | The unique identifier for the pricing model. |
proRateOption | enum | null | The prorating configured for the plan. null DoNotProrate DoNotChargeUntilNextCycle ProRateBasedOnDaysRemaining |
setupFeePrice | integer | The setup fee price. The original value is multiplied by 100. (e.g: $40.20 will be 4020) |
setupFeePriceFormatted | string | Formatted setup fee price based on the subscription's currency. (e.g: $40.20) |
tiers | Tier[ ] (see Tier below) | The pricing definition broken down by tier. |
price | integer | The plan's price for flatfee pricing model. The original value is multiplied by 100. (e.g: $40.20 will be 4020) |
priceFormatted | string | Formatted price |
Tiers are used for unit-based pricing models (per unit, volume, tiered, ranged). Tiers describe a set of ranges and the price for each range. (e.g: 1 - 10 units for $10, 11 - 20 units for $8)
start | integer | The start of the tier |
finish | integer | The end of one tier |
price | integer | The price of the tier. The price is multiplied by 100. The original value is multiplied by 100. (e.g: $40.20 will be 4020) |
priceFormatted | string | Formatted price based on the subscription's currency. (e.g: $10) |